Puzzled and confused

Nico and the Navigators - that sounds like the name of a pop band. But the Navigators are one of the most idiosyncratic and successful ensembles on the Berlin scene. The director Nicola Hümpel, supported by her excellent collaborator, the stage designer Oliver Proske, creates a wondrous-surreal picture theater. The precisely choreographed scenes balance between amusing slapstick and philosophical nonsense. And you will hardly ever find such wonderfully wacky performers on stage. Nico and the Navigators are now showing their successful play Kain, Wenn & Aber once again for three performances in Berlin. Not in the traditional Sophiensäle, but in the Radialsystem. Rarely are the everyday decision-making hardships of thirtysomethings in a multi-option society portrayed in such a stunningly funny way. "The first decision is called, to myself, bravely, alone ...", so begins the play about the pleasure and burden of self-determination. Of course, notoriously decision-weak brooders, shirkers, and fall-guys also creep across the stage here - a small typology of the confused and confused, in which everyone can feel caught at times.

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