Utopian city drawn by the piano Comments Matthias Wagner 05.06.2011 20:09 Red. Eberswalde, eberswalde-red@moz.de local/article-view/dg/0/ Utopian city drawn by the piano
Eberswalde. A whole city in the piano could experience the more than one hundred visitors last Friday at the continuation of the 17th festival Jazz in E.. The Japanese dancer Yui Kawaguchi let herself be carried away by imaginative piano sounds into a utopian city, exposing herself to the alien power with all its dynamics and drama. To the viewer, the artist's longing, devotion and surrender to the tonally drawn vision of the pianoforte was revealed. Pianist Aki Takase, like Yui Kawaguchi from Japan, lent conviction and color to the intonation and allowed the audience to participate in the dancer's inner conflict, in the contradiction of attraction and repulsion. Discreetly placed light effects intensified the impression and at the same time harmonized pleasantly. The audience gladly followed the journey and thanked with sustained applause. Three partly swinging encores were the reward.
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