Fleisch & Geist

Music theatre between devotion and desire. On the occasion of the 350th anniversary of Heinrich Schütz’s death, Nico and the Navigators dedicate themselves to the work of the early baroque composer.

“Beware that your hearts are not weighed down with eating and drinking …”

On the occasion of the 350th anniversary of Heinrich Schütz’s death, Nico and the Navigators dedicate themselves to the work of the early Baroque composer, who received his musical training in Kassel before studying the Italian style in Venice. For decades he shaped musical life in Dresden as court kapellmeister before retiring to Weißenfels. With his madrigals and motets, his Symphoniae Sacrae and passions, he had already achieved European significance. 

The scenic project “Flesh and Spirit” inquires into the inner and outer coordinates of his art, into heavenly faith and earthly desire, and into the contemporary resonance of such an attitude. At the end of the Gutenberg galaxy, the cosmos of books from whose words Schütz and his contemporaries drew their sacred and secular works is once again surveyed. 

The historically informed performance practice does not serve as an unshakable pedestal of a monument, but as a vibrating platform for the revival of the artist in his and our sound worlds, which meet at eye level in different forms of play – music, dance, song, language.

“Be ye therefore always valiant, and pray that ye may be worthy …” 


Press reviews

Gerald Felber / FAZ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Gerald Felber / FAZ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Andreas Montag / Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
Andreas Montag / Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
Frauke Thiele / RBB / Kulturradio
Frauke Thiele / RBB / Kulturradio
Claus Fischer / Deutschlandfunk
Claus Fischer / Deutschlandfunk

A co-production of Nico and the Navigators, Heinrich-Schütz-Musikfest | SCHÜTZ22, Kasseler Musiktage, Staatstheater Kassel and Theater Altenburg Gera.

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